Marron Resources Marron Resources


Marron Growers Association of WA PO Box 964 Manjmup Western Australia 6258 enquiry@marron101.com.au Complete the form on our Contact Page https://www.marron101.com.au


Visit our social profiles for regular tweets and posts
Marron Growers Association of Western Australia © 2020 visit - marrongrowers.org

Marron Resources

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At one time, the Fisheries Department website held a large number of documents relating to Marron and Marron production. Over the years these have gradually been removed however the Marron Growers Association have obtained permission to make these available again. Marron101 aims to be the number one online resource for consumers and restaurateurs looking for information about this unique Australian freshwater crayfish. You will find much more detailed information suitable for growers and researchers in the Manual For Growers published by the Marron Growers Association. and in the Marron Growers Members Portal available to all Association Members.


Marron Growers Association of WA Inc ( https://marrongrowers.org/ ) The association works to represent, inform, support and assist marron growers and those looking to set up commercial marron growing on whatever scale. They work closely with state and federal government departments to represent the views of their members and provide a forum for discussion that serves the best interests of the industry as a whole and the environments in which they operate. The Association Members Portal provides a wealth of information, documents and articles for Marron growers & researchers as well as discussions and advice from other members.
Department of Fisheries ( http://www.fish.wa.gov.au ) The Department of Fisheries’ primary responsibility is to conserve, sustainably develop and share the use of Western Australia’s aquatic resources and their ecosystems for the benefit of present and future generations. We do this through managing fisheries and aquatic ecosystems, assessment and monitoring of fish stocks, enforcement and education, biosecurity management and licensing commercial and recreational fishing activity, including commercial aquaculture. The department has a dedicated marron page with information about habitat, life cycle & diet.
Aquaculture Council of Western Australia ( https://www.aquaculturecouncilwa.com ) The Aquaculture Council of Western Australia Inc. (ACWA) is the incorporated peak body for the State’s aquaculture industry and is an industry group member of the WA Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC), the Seafood Industry Australia Council and the National aquaculture Council. ACWA is a member driven organisation working to ensure a profitable future for its members and a viable future for the aquaculture industry, which provides the sustainable use and management of public resources..
Online Marron Recipes ( https://www.google.com.au/search?q=marron+recipe ) Never underestimate the power of an online search, there are a wide range of ways to cook & serve Marron and lots of websites providing advice and recipes. here is a selection found using Goggle.

Recommended Technical Advice from the Department of Fisheries Library:

Pre 1990 Morrissy, N.M., 1970. Spawning of marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith) in Western Australia. Fisheries Res. Bull. Western Australia. 112;1- 55. Fisheries Research Contract Report [Western Australia] No. 17, 2007 147 Morrissy, N.M., 1975. Spawning variation and its relationship to growth rate and density in the marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith). Fisheries Res. Bull. Western Australia. 16;1-32. Morrissy, N. M. 1976. Aquaculture of Marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith). Part 1 Site Selection and the Potential of Marron for Aquaculture. Fisheries Research Bulletin of Western Australia 17, 1-27. Morrissy, N.M. 1976. Aquaculture of Marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith) Part 2: Breeding and Early Rearing. Fisheries Research Bulletin of Western Australia 17(2). (W.A. Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife), 1-32. Morrissy, N.M. 1980. Production of marron in Western Australian farm dams. Fisheries Research Bulletin of Western Australia 24 (W.A. Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife), 1-80. Morrissy, N.M. 1984. Assessment of artificial feeds for battery culture of a freshwater crayfish, Marron (Cherax tenuimanus) (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Report (W.A. Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife), 63: 1-24. Morrissy, N.M., Caputi, N. & House, R.R. 1984. Tolerance of marron (Cherax tenuimanus) to hypoxia in relation to aquaculture. Aquaculture, 41: 61-74 1990’s Morrissy, N.M., 1990. Optimum and favourable temperatures for growth of Cherax tenuimanus (Smith, 1912) (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Aust. J. Mar. Fresh. Res. 41; 735-746. Morrissy, N.M., 1990. Report on the development of a WA crayfish reference pond diet. Marron Growers Bulletin, April 1990. 12;9-13. Morrissy, N.M., 1992. An introduction to marron and other freshwater crayfish farming in Western Australia. Department of Fisheries Western Australia. 36p. Morrissy, N.M. 1992. Feed development for marron, Cherax tenuimanus, in Western Australia. In Allan, G.D. & Dall, W. (eds), Proceedings of the Aquaculture Nutrition Workshop, Salamander Bay, 15-17 April 1991. NSW Fisheries, Brackish Water Fish Culture Research Station, Salamander Bay, p. 72-76. Morrissy, N.M., 1992. Density-dependent pond growout of single year class cohorts of a freshwater crayfish Cherax tenuimanus (Smith) to two years of age. J. World Aquacult. Soc. 23;154-168. Morrissy, N.M., Walker, P. and Moore, W., 1995. Predictive equations for managing semi-intensive growout of a freshwater crayfish (Marron), Cherax tenuimanus (Smith 1912) (Decapoda: Parastacidae), on a commercial farm. Aquac. Res. 26;71-80. Fellows, C.J., 1995. Comparison between two types of synthetic fiber as shelter for early juvenile marron Cherax tenuimanus. Freshwater Crayfish. 8;518-527. Lawrence, C.S., 1995. Marron (Cherax tenuimanus). Aquaculture WA, No.2, 4p. ISSN 1323 8442. Lawrence, C.S., Morrissy, N.M., Bellanger, J. and Cheng, Y.W. 1998. Final Report FRDC Project 94/75 : Enhancement of commercial yabby production from Western Australian farm dams. Fisheries Research Report No. 112. 134p.(ISBN 0 7309 1984 6) Lawrence, C.S., 1998. The new rural industries: A handbook for farmers and investors - Marron. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC). Perth. Lawrence, C.S., Morrissy, N.M., Bellanger, J. and Cheng, Y.W., 1998. Final Report FRDC Project 94/75 : Enhancement of commercial yabby production from Western Australian farm dams. Fisheries Research Report No. 112. 134p. (ISBN 0 7309 1984 6) 2000’s Lawrence, C.S. 2000. Improving marron production using genetic and pond management strategies. Marron growers Bulletin 22 (2),7-9. Lawrence, C.S. 2000. Marron industry research priorities. Marron Growers Bulletin March 2000. Lawrence, C.S. and Morrissy, N.M., 2000. Genetic improvement of marron (Cherax tenuimanus Smith) and yabbies (Cherax spp.) in Western Australia. Aquac. Res. 31;69-83. Lawrence, C.S. and Morrissy, N.M. (2000) Yabby farming - Frequently asked questions. Fisheries Western Australia. 56p. (ISBN 0 7309 1840 8) Lawrence, C.S, Maguire, G., Cassells, G. & Jones, B. 2001. Proceedings Marron Farming Open Day, Pemberton, Sunday 24th Feb 2001. Fisheries WA, 15 pp. Lawrence, C.S. 2001. FRDC Marron Research Update. Marron growers Bulletin 23 (2), 6-8. Lawrence, C.S. and Jones, C.M., 2001. Cherax. In: Biology of Freshwater Crayfish. (Holdich, D. M. ed), pp. 635-670. Blackwell Science, Oxford. Jones, J.B. and Lawrence, C.S., 2001. Diseases of yabbies (Cherax albidus) in Western Australia. Aquaculture. 194; 221-232. Lawrence, C.S. 2002. Progress in the FRDC Marron Aquaculture Project Marron growers Bulletin 24 (4), 25-27. Lawrence,C.S., Morrissy, N.M.,Vercoe, P.E., Williams, I.H. and Cheng, Y.W. 2002. Physical, chemical and biological variation among freshwater crayfish (Cherax albidus Clark 1936) research ponds. Journal of Shellfish Research 21, 273-278. Lawrence, C.S., Morrissy N.M., Vercoe P.E. and Williams, I.H. 2002. Cherax of south eastern and central Australia Part II: Habitat variation among Cherax in SE and central Australia. Freshwater Crayfish 13, 570-583. Cheng, Y.W., Lawrence, C.S., Morrissy, N.M. and Bellanger, J.E. 2002. The statistical correlations and implied causal relationships between physical, chemical and biological parameters and yabby (Cherax albidus) production in Western Australian farm dams. Freshwater Crayfish 13, 67-79. Lawrence, C.S., Cheng Y.W., Bellanger, J. E., Cole, N. M and Seidel, S.T. 2002. Feeding and management practices to enhance yabby (Cherax albidus Clark 1936) production from farm dams. Final report FRDC Project No. 1997/319. Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra. 213 p. Maguire, G. 2003. Marron Farming Workshop & Field Day 2003. Department of Fisheries 40p. Lawrence, C.S. 2003. Genetic Improvement: Mass Selection v Pedigree breeding pros & cons. Marron growers Bulletin 25 (2),14-16 Maguire, G. 2004. Marron farming Workshop , Field Day & Trade Show 2004. Department of Fisheries 64 p. Cheng, Y.W and Lawrence C.S 2004. Estimating the parameters of the statistical upper bound of dry hepatopancreas weight of yabbies by the EM1 algorithm. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics. 13. Molony, B.W. and Bird, C., 2005. Are marron, Cherax tenuimanus, populations in irrigation reservoirs habitat limited? A trial using artificial habitats. Lakes & Reservoirs, Research & Management. 10(1); 39-50. Lawrence, C.S., Morrissy, N.M., Williams, I.H and Vercoe P.E 2006. Harvesting freshwater crayfish (Cherax albidus Clark) by trapping contributes to high densities and stunted animals - A preliminary population model. Freshwater Crayfish 15. 56-62. ISBN 978-0-9581424-6- 5 Lawrence, C.S., Cassells, G., How, S. and Bird, C. 2006. The effect of size grading of juveniles and refuge density upon marron (Cherax tenuimanus Smith) production in commercial ponds. Freshwater Crayfish 15. 69-78. ISBN 978-0-9581424-6-5 Lawrence, C.S., Morrissy, N.M., Williams, I.H and Vercoe P.E., 2006. Harvesting freshwater crayfish (Cherax albidus) by trapping contributes to high densities and stunted animals - A preliminary population model. Freshwater Crayfish 15;56-62. Lawrence, C.S. 2007. Improved performance of marron using genetic and pond management strategies. Final Report FRDC Project 2000/215. Fisheries Research Contract Report No. 17. Department of Fisheries Western Australia. 177 p. If you would like to read these or request a copy of any of the above publications please contact (see above) the Department of Fisheries research library. You can download this reading list as a PDF Document for use at the library.

PDF Documents

Recreational Fishing Guide Provided by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. For the current version, please visit the Fisheries website Guides Page
Some Basics of Marron Production (PDF 1.4Mb) Marron are native to the Southwest of Western Australia, and are keenly sought by inland fishermen. However, supplies do not equal the apparent demand. One solution is to cultivate marron in farm dams, or more intensively as a commercial enterprise. This article suggests a few guidelines for marron production. The information is based on research by the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife.
Marron Fact Sheet (PDF 0.7Mb) Marron are the largest freshwater crayfish in Western Australia – and the third largest freshwater crayfish on Earth. Fishing for this tasty south-west crustacean has long been a WA tradition. This fact sheet gives a quick overview of the life of Marron, distribution and habitat. Useful for school projects or essays.
Aeration Fact Sheet (PDF 330Kb) The high production rates needed for profitability in freshwater pond aquaculture (such as semi-intensive marron farming and silver perch farming) and some forms of mariculture (such as prawn farming) are just not possible without some form of aeration and circulation to cope with the necessary high feeding and stocking rates. The need for aeration is mostly now accepted by Industry. But there is still some controversy as to which is the most efficient method of aeration and circulation. (Circa 2003)
Trees Around Aquaculture Ponds Q&A (PDF 190Kb) There are at present a number of misconceptions about the value of trees around fish ponds. In general the placement of trees in close proximity to ponds will cause more problems than they will solve. Following is a list of common questions or statements that have been made and accepted responses.(Circa 2003)
FISHERIES & MARINE LIBRARY WA Fisheries and Marine Research Laboratories 39 Northside Drive Hillarys WA 6025 Australia Postal Address WA Fisheries and Marine Research Laboratories PO Box 20 North Beach WA 6920 Australia Library Enquiries only Phone: (+61) 08 9203 0120 Fax: (+61) 08 9203 0199 e-mail: library@fish.wa.gov.au Interlibrary Loans/Document Delivery Phone: (+61) 08 9203 0118 Fax: (+61) 08 9203 0199 e-mail: library@fish.wa.gov.au Open 8:30 - 4:30 Mon - Fri

Share Your Knowledge

We would like to build this resource into a valuable library for Marron growers, consumers, chefs and aquarium owners. If you have information you’d like to share on this site, please contact us


Discover Australian Marron


Marron Growers Association of WA PO Box 964 Manjmup Western Australia 6258 enquiry@marron101.com.au Complete the form on our Contact Page https://www.marron101.com.au


Visit our social profiles for regular tweets and posts
Marron Growers Association of Western Australia © 2020 visit - marrongrowers.org

Marron Resources

At one time, the Fisheries Department website held a large number of documents relating to Marron and Marron production. Over the years these have gradually been removed however the Marron Growers Association have obtained permission to make these available again. Marron101 aims to be the number one online resource for consumers and restaurateurs looking for information about this unique Australian freshwater crayfish. You will find much more detailed information suitable for growers and researchers in the Manual For Growers published by the Marron Growers Association. and in the Marron Growers Members Portal available to all Association Members.


Marron Growers Association of WA Inc ( https://marrongrowers.org/ ) The association works to represent, inform, support and assist marron growers and those looking to set up commercial marron growing on whatever scale. They work closely with state and federal government departments to represent the views of their members and provide a forum for discussion that serves the best interests of the industry as a whole and the environments in which they operate. The Association Members Portal provides a wealth of information, documents and articles for Marron growers & researchers as well as discussions and advice from other members.
Department of Fisheries ( http://www.fish.wa.gov.au ) The Department of Fisheries’ primary responsibility is to conserve, sustainably develop and share the use of Western Australia’s aquatic resources and their ecosystems for the benefit of present and future generations. We do this through managing fisheries and aquatic ecosystems, assessment and monitoring of fish stocks, enforcement and education, biosecurity management and licensing commercial and recreational fishing activity, including commercial aquaculture. The department has a dedicated marron page with information about habitat, life cycle & diet.
Aquaculture Council of Western Australia ( https://www.aquaculturecouncilwa.com ) The Aquaculture Council of Western Australia Inc. (ACWA) is the incorporated peak body for the State’s aquaculture industry and is an industry group member of the WA Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC), the Seafood Industry Australia Council and the National aquaculture Council. ACWA is a member driven organisation working to ensure a profitable future for its members and a viable future for the aquaculture industry, which provides the sustainable use and management of public resources..
Online Marron Recipes ( https://www.google.com.au/search?q=marron+recipe ) Never underestimate the power of an online search, there are a wide range of ways to cook & serve Marron and lots of websites providing advice and recipes. here is a selection found using Goggle.

Recommended Technical Advice from the

Department of Fisheries Library:

Pre 1990 Morrissy, N.M., 1970. Spawning of marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith) in Western Australia. Fisheries Res. Bull. Western Australia. 112;1-55. Fisheries Research Contract Report [Western Australia] No. 17, 2007 147 Morrissy, N.M., 1975. Spawning variation and its relationship to growth rate and density in the marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith). Fisheries Res. Bull. Western Australia. 16;1-32. Morrissy, N. M. 1976. Aquaculture of Marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith). Part 1 Site Selection and the Potential of Marron for Aquaculture. Fisheries Research Bulletin of Western Australia 17, 1-27. Morrissy, N.M. 1976. Aquaculture of Marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith) Part 2: Breeding and Early Rearing. Fisheries Research Bulletin of Western Australia 17(2). (W.A. Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife), 1-32. Morrissy, N.M. 1980. Production of marron in Western Australian farm dams. Fisheries Research Bulletin of Western Australia 24 (W.A. Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife), 1-80. Morrissy, N.M. 1984. Assessment of artificial feeds for battery culture of a freshwater crayfish, Marron (Cherax tenuimanus) (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Report (W.A. Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife), 63: 1- 24. Morrissy, N.M., Caputi, N. & House, R.R. 1984. Tolerance of marron (Cherax tenuimanus) to hypoxia in relation to aquaculture. Aquaculture, 41: 61-74 1990’s Morrissy, N.M., 1990. Optimum and favourable temperatures for growth of Cherax tenuimanus (Smith, 1912) (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Aust. J. Mar. Fresh. Res. 41; 735-746. Morrissy, N.M., 1990. Report on the development of a WA crayfish reference pond diet. Marron Growers Bulletin, April 1990. 12;9-13. Morrissy, N.M., 1992. An introduction to marron and other freshwater crayfish farming in Western Australia. Department of Fisheries Western Australia. 36p. Morrissy, N.M. 1992. Feed development for marron, Cherax tenuimanus, in Western Australia. In Allan, G.D. & Dall, W. (eds), Proceedings of the Aquaculture Nutrition Workshop, Salamander Bay, 15-17 April 1991. NSW Fisheries, Brackish Water Fish Culture Research Station, Salamander Bay, p. 72-76. Morrissy, N.M., 1992. Density-dependent pond growout of single year class cohorts of a freshwater crayfish Cherax tenuimanus (Smith) to two years of age. J. World Aquacult. Soc. 23;154-168. Morrissy, N.M., Walker, P. and Moore, W., 1995. Predictive equations for managing semi-intensive growout of a freshwater crayfish (Marron), Cherax tenuimanus (Smith 1912) (Decapoda: Parastacidae), on a commercial farm. Aquac. Res. 26;71-80. Fellows, C.J., 1995. Comparison between two types of synthetic fiber as shelter for early juvenile marron Cherax tenuimanus. Freshwater Crayfish. 8;518-527. Lawrence, C.S., 1995. Marron (Cherax tenuimanus). Aquaculture WA, No.2, 4p. ISSN 1323 8442. Lawrence, C.S., Morrissy, N.M., Bellanger, J. and Cheng, Y.W. 1998. Final Report FRDC Project 94/75 : Enhancement of commercial yabby production from Western Australian farm dams. Fisheries Research Report No. 112. 134p.(ISBN 0 7309 1984 6) Lawrence, C.S., 1998. The new rural industries: A handbook for farmers and investors - Marron. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC). Perth. Lawrence, C.S., Morrissy, N.M., Bellanger, J. and Cheng, Y.W., 1998. Final Report FRDC Project 94/75 : Enhancement of commercial yabby production from Western Australian farm dams. Fisheries Research Report No. 112. 134p. (ISBN 0 7309 1984 6) 2000’s Lawrence, C.S. 2000. Improving marron production using genetic and pond management strategies. Marron growers Bulletin 22 (2),7-9. Lawrence, C.S. 2000. Marron industry research priorities. Marron Growers Bulletin March 2000. Lawrence, C.S. and Morrissy, N.M., 2000. Genetic improvement of marron (Cherax tenuimanus Smith) and yabbies (Cherax spp.) in Western Australia. Aquac. Res. 31;69-83. Lawrence, C.S. and Morrissy, N.M. (2000) Yabby farming - Frequently asked questions. Fisheries Western Australia. 56p. (ISBN 0 7309 1840 8) Lawrence, C.S, Maguire, G., Cassells, G. & Jones, B. 2001. Proceedings Marron Farming Open Day, Pemberton, Sunday 24th Feb 2001. Fisheries WA, 15 pp. Lawrence, C.S. 2001. FRDC Marron Research Update. Marron growers Bulletin 23 (2), 6-8. Lawrence, C.S. and Jones, C.M., 2001. Cherax. In: Biology of Freshwater Crayfish. (Holdich, D. M. ed), pp. 635-670. Blackwell Science, Oxford. Jones, J.B. and Lawrence, C.S., 2001. Diseases of yabbies (Cherax albidus) in Western Australia. Aquaculture. 194; 221-232. Lawrence, C.S. 2002. Progress in the FRDC Marron Aquaculture Project Marron growers Bulletin 24 (4), 25-27. Lawrence,C.S., Morrissy, N.M.,Vercoe, P.E., Williams, I.H. and Cheng, Y.W. 2002. Physical, chemical and biological variation among freshwater crayfish (Cherax albidus Clark 1936) research ponds. Journal of Shellfish Research 21, 273-278. Lawrence, C.S., Morrissy N.M., Vercoe P.E. and Williams, I.H. 2002. Cherax of south eastern and central Australia Part II: Habitat variation among Cherax in SE and central Australia. Freshwater Crayfish 13, 570-583. Cheng, Y.W., Lawrence, C.S., Morrissy, N.M. and Bellanger, J.E. 2002. The statistical correlations and implied causal relationships between physical, chemical and biological parameters and yabby (Cherax albidus) production in Western Australian farm dams. Freshwater Crayfish 13, 67-79. Lawrence, C.S., Cheng Y.W., Bellanger, J. E., Cole, N. M and Seidel, S.T. 2002. Feeding and management practices to enhance yabby (Cherax albidus Clark 1936) production from farm dams. Final report FRDC Project No. 1997/319. Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra. 213 p. Maguire, G. 2003. Marron Farming Workshop & Field Day 2003. Department of Fisheries 40p. Lawrence, C.S. 2003. Genetic Improvement: Mass Selection v Pedigree breeding pros & cons. Marron growers Bulletin 25 (2),14-16 Maguire, G. 2004. Marron farming Workshop , Field Day & Trade Show 2004. Department of Fisheries 64 p. Cheng, Y.W and Lawrence C.S 2004. Estimating the parameters of the statistical upper bound of dry hepatopancreas weight of yabbies by the EM1 algorithm. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics. 13. Molony, B.W. and Bird, C., 2005. Are marron, Cherax tenuimanus, populations in irrigation reservoirs habitat limited? A trial using artificial habitats. Lakes & Reservoirs, Research & Management. 10(1); 39-50. Lawrence, C.S., Morrissy, N.M., Williams, I.H and Vercoe P.E 2006. Harvesting freshwater crayfish (Cherax albidus Clark) by trapping contributes to high densities and stunted animals - A preliminary population model. Freshwater Crayfish 15. 56-62. ISBN 978-0-9581424-6-5 Lawrence, C.S., Cassells, G., How, S. and Bird, C. 2006. The effect of size grading of juveniles and refuge density upon marron (Cherax tenuimanus Smith) production in commercial ponds. Freshwater Crayfish 15. 69-78. ISBN 978-0-9581424-6-5 Lawrence, C.S., Morrissy, N.M., Williams, I.H and Vercoe P.E., 2006. Harvesting freshwater crayfish (Cherax albidus) by trapping contributes to high densities and stunted animals - A preliminary population model. Freshwater Crayfish 15;56-62. Lawrence, C.S. 2007. Improved performance of marron using genetic and pond management strategies. Final Report FRDC Project 2000/215. Fisheries Research Contract Report No. 17. Department of Fisheries Western Australia. 177 p. If you would like to read these or request a copy of any of the above publications please contact (see above) the Department of Fisheries research library. You can download this reading list as a PDF Document for use at the library.

PDF Documents

Recreational Fishing Guide Provided by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. For the current version, please visit the Fisheries website Guides Page
Some Basics of Marron Production (PDF 1.4Mb) Marron are native to the Southwest of Western Australia, and are keenly sought by inland fishermen. However, supplies do not equal the apparent demand. One solution is to cultivate marron in farm dams, or more intensively as a commercial enterprise. This article suggests a few guidelines for marron production. The information is based on research by the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife.
Marron Fact Sheet (PDF 0.7Mb) Marron are the largest freshwater crayfish in Western Australia – and the third largest freshwater crayfish on Earth. Fishing for this tasty south-west crustacean has long been a WA tradition. This fact sheet gives a quick overview of the life of Marron, distribution and habitat. Useful for school projects or essays.
Aeration Fact Sheet (PDF 330Kb) The high production rates needed for profitability in freshwater pond aquaculture (such as semi-intensive marron farming and silver perch farming) and some forms of mariculture (such as prawn farming) are just not possible without some form of aeration and circulation to cope with the necessary high feeding and stocking rates. The need for aeration is mostly now accepted by Industry. But there is still some controversy as to which is the most efficient method of aeration and circulation. (Circa 2003)
Trees Around Aquaculture Ponds Q&A (PDF 190Kb) There are at present a number of misconceptions about the value of trees around fish ponds. In general the placement of trees in close proximity to ponds will cause more problems than they will solve. Following is a list of common questions or statements that have been made and accepted responses.(Circa 2003)
FISHERIES & MARINE LIBRARY WA Fisheries and Marine Research Laboratories 39 Northside Drive Hillarys WA 6025 Australia Postal Address WA Fisheries and Marine Research Laboratories PO Box 20 North Beach WA 6920 Australia Library Enquiries only Phone: (+61) 08 9203 0120 Fax: (+61) 08 9203 0199 e-mail: library@fish.wa.gov.au Interlibrary Loans/Document Delivery Phone: (+61) 08 9203 0118 Fax: (+61) 08 9203 0199 e-mail: library@fish.wa.gov.au Open 8:30 - 4:30 Mon - Fri

Share Your Knowledge

We would like to build this resource into a valuable library for Marron growers, consumers, chefs and aquarium owners. If you have information you’d like to share on this site, please contact us


Discover Australian Marron